Treaty 7 Urban Indian Housing Authority

The Treaty 7 Urban Indian Housing Authority exists to provide adequate, affordable rental accommodations for low-to-moderate income Native families in urban centers.

Treaty 7 Housing

Request for Proposal

Treaty 7 Urban Indian Housing Authority Request for Proposal - Negotiation training for Board Members.
Please send RFP to

Message from President

Treaty 7 Urban Indian Housing Authority

Purpose – To provide governance oversight,accountability and advocacy for Treaty 7 Urban Indian Housing Authority as a policy governing Board and makes fair and consistent decisions that ensures the organization’s long-term financial and operational sustainability

T7 Board of Directors Mission Vision and Value Statements
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CMHC - Housing Income Limits for 2023

CMHC provides support for First Nations households obtain affordable, adequate and suitable rental housing. In the table below is the maximum income in order to qualify for a rental property with Treaty 7 Housing.

LETHBRIDGE || 2 bedroom - $47,500 || 3 bedroom - $63,000 || 4bedroom - $81,500 
CARDSTON    || 3 bedroom - $63,000 
CALGARY       || 2 bedroom - $59,000 || 3 bedroom - $67,000 || 4 bedroom - $86,000

Tenant Information - Winter Maintenance

Winter 2023 Maintenance Tips